Effective and working time tracking

Automatic time tracking

Work with time easily

  • Worked time is added for the task in one click & enter key which takes 0.5 seconds in average, or automatically.
  • Sputnik shows spent time for each task, employee and project right after loading in your browser.

Bill customers for spent time

  • Easily mark tasks as billable and create professional invoices
  • Ensure that each employee spends their time only on billable tasks
  • Provide access to your customers to check the costs daily (optionally)

Improve your economic efficency

  • Find out non-billable work and avoid it in future
  • If you work with fixed price projects, compare your estimates (charged efforts) with actually spent time. Improve this ratio for future projects

Check and improve your estimates

If you work with estimates or fixed price tasks. Tracking task estimates is as easy as tracking spent time. Compare time spent with estimates during work on the project and after completion. Sputnik clearly shows which tasks were completed as expected and which took more time. You will be able to find the reasons

Time analysis report

You can analyze work in your company in detail per each task, employee, every hour spent, when and why

in 30 seconds